Do your homework before you hire a lawyer for yourself and your business. What to do if someone sues your business, low cost help, referral services, fees, expenses, and more.
Learn which legal structure fits your business.
A business owner must know how to manage employees and various employment regulations.
Understand all the ways your business affects the environment. Make certain your employees know how to keep safe, respond to spills, and fulfill the requirements of applicable environmental regulations.
Know what to do if your business has to resort to filing for bankruptcy.
Regional, and local regulations can affect when, where, what type, and how you can conduct business. It is good business practice to regularly keep abreast of the rules and regulations that may impact you.
Franchising can be a profitable business venture, but it can also be risky.
You should know legal information about the intellectual property of a business.
The electronic marketplace can greatly increase your business' profits.